French Coastal Tree - WIP

What the title says.

Made by - SupersoakingAMX

Rank I
Torpedo Bois
VTB 8 Reserve (1.0)
VTB 11 1.0
Type 40k 2.0
MTB 96 1.0
Gun bois
FMR 24m type Reserve (1.0)
VP (P754) 1.0
FMR L990 1.0
VP 760 Baalbeck 1.0
Aviso (large patrol gun bois)
Alerte 0.0
La Scarpe (1937) 0.0
La Melopmène (1935) 0.0
La Melopmène (1940) 0.0
Vedette F1 0.0
VTB 13 1.0
Type 40k (export version) 1.0
MTB 239 0.0
ML123 Saint-Renan 0.0
V.111 "Galantry" 0.0
Captured Iraki boat 1.0
LCM Monitor 1.0
Rank II
ML269 Béniguet 0.0
VTB 23 2.0
CH-8 Rennes (1942) 0.0
CH-15 Paimpol (1943) 0.0
La Moqueuse (1939) 0.0
Chevreuil 0.0
La Moqueuse (1942) 0.0
CH-5 (1940) 0.0
CH 133 0.0
W.23 Javelot 0.0
La Somme (A22) 0.0
Uniforms 0.0 ,
Rank III
P637 L'Etourdi 0.0
VLT 2 2.0
L'Agile (P 643) 0.0
P730 La Combattante 2.0
FMR L980 3.0
Commandnat Dominé (1946) 0.0
Bougainville 0.0
Dumont d'Urville (1944) 3.0
P 671 Glaive (1987) 0.0
F 754 Paul Goffeny 0.0
Rank IV
P630 L'Intrépide 4.0
P670 Trident 4.0
P400 La Fougueuse 0.0
P 641 Le Fougueux 4.0
Francis Garnier (F730) 0.0
P730 (late) 3.0
La Surprise 0.0
P 730 La Combattante (Type 62 test platform) 0.0
Rank V
E-50 4.0
E-52 (A) 0.0
T-47 (1955) 4.0
T-47 (BASM) 4.0
T-56 La Galissonière 4.0
Victor Schoelcher (1958) 3.0
Commandant Rivière (1985) - the KOLN EQUIVALENT 0.0
E-52 (B) L'Alsacien 0.0
Kaman 0.0
ARA Drummond 0.0
T-53 4.0
Perdana 0.0
La Combattante III a/b 0.0
A69 0.0
Comandante João Belo 0.0
T-47 CDF Cassard (1962) 0.0
Commandant Bory (1991) 0.0